mandag 9. oktober 2017

The Decline of the Great Disney Villains; Are They Going to Extinct?

Hi folks! Welcome to my My Own Personal Nerdy Disney and Animation Scrutinizing Analysis blog. A blog where I'm analyzing several Disney films, Disney or Animation in general! These entries are just meant to be my analyses. Not reviews or statements. Just fun analyses! Though I'll make some personal remarks now and then, the content of these entries are meant to be depicted objectively. They're made for entertainment purpose only and the pictures/clips are copyright Disney or other companies. 

Make sure to leave a comment if you like this site! And if there's something you think could be improved, please let me know. But in a constructive way, please. And just a note; I'm not a Native English writer, so my incorrect grammar may be notable.

And finally; If you haven't seen the films, beware of spoilers! And the funny lines aren't meant to be nothing than funny. So I hope you won't find them offensive. If so, I apologize

This issue may not be the most original theme to discuss. But at least it's a very relevant and current issue, so it have to go. 

They`re right behind me :) I`m just neglecting them :)

There's a reason why 
this cover is red ;)
Ignore the plural title, 
it's just wrong typing :)
Everyone who's ever pondered or analyzed Disney have noticed how Disney are usually either criticized or been peerceived as synonymous for their stock components.
Of course their traits and trademarks are also been cherished. But since Disney are often perceived as being synonymous with child friendliness and sanitized products, they're forever stuck with that stamp. We could talk about their various stock elements forever, but that would've been a long discussion, wouldn't it? However, if there's one of those elements which has been praised, is that of their villains. 

Disney`s Successful Line of Villains

Eminem should've looked at this :)
Villains has been one of Disney's regular traits and also simply being one of their most cherished. But frankly, it's not hard to see why! That's because Disney are actually quite good at making villain! They've existed for archetypal purposes and of course for originating from the stories which they`ve been based on. But last, but not least, these villains exists to create a central conflict to the story and to the protagonists.
There's no secret that villains (Disney and otherwise) has a tendency to gain more praise than a hero. Regardless of the ongoing popularity of the leads. Of course these reasons could've been speculated forever, but it's simply because of the antagonists are usually perceived as being more intriguing and compelling than a hero (despite how the stories are structured for the audience to root for a hero). And how villains displays negative and complex sides. 
For once I have a book
that`s dedicated to me :)

Of course the Disney villains haven't escaped criticism, as they've been picked for portraying negative stereotypes for elder people. Disney Villains has even managed to become a own franchise and with a couple of sub-franchises. As Disney's Divas of Darkness and Disney's Sinister Cats. But as for the different personalities of the villains themselves, they tend to vary from being downright scary to comical or whimsical (which lead to another current criticism about how male Disney villains tends to seem homosexuals).
We must have our
own tagline :) Which
is an equivalent of
Snow White`s :)

Of course the villain trope harkens back to Walt's very first feature, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Who had a very serious and scary villainess (who had her own transformation to another personality). While not all Disney's animated canon have even included true, clear-cut villains, it has become such a prominent trope that it's been synonymous with Disney (yet truth to be told, antagonists have been featured in one way or another). 
Of course, however, this doesn't mean that every Disney villain has gained praise (when the Disney Renaissance was declining, the spiral went down with the villains. Movies as Mulan and Tarzan, which were praised for getting Disney back on track, had villains which weren't particularly worshiped. And let's not forget the much-praised films as Dumbo and Lilo & Stitch, who doesn't even have a villain (which was a deliberately choice on the latter film).
Of course certain villains are more promoted than others, for obvious reasons. Yet despite how certain movies have been stuck with a dud-reputation originally, some of their villains have been prominent in the villain pantheon. As Maleficent, Frollo (with no doubt the most controversial and radical Disney villain ever), Hades and even Dr. Facilier (all of them great villains on their own right, so their inclusion is understandable).
This is how the
descendants will
look in the future :)
Like crazy ;)

Yes, beware this
number :)

The best Disney villain are known for being able to carry a picture and being quite compelling on their own rights. Of course Disney villains were deliberately made to be easy to spot visually. For their often dark costumes and their features, as having high cheekbones, arched eyebrows and other attributes. But perhaps what truly identifies a great Disney villain is one thing; Charisma. No matter how despicable or charming they are, what truly makes a Disney villain is their overall charisma, (my aforementioned statement about the appeal of the villains makes it easy to see why Disney Channel's franchise, Descendants, centered around the children of the villains).

The Decline of Disney Villains

At least we're not from Pandora's box :)
However, unfortunately we've seen a decline of the great villain streak. The Revival era had a slow, but steady decline of great  villains. And no matter how well the Revival era has been received, the majority of Disney fans have agreed on this decline (if you don't believe it, look it up). 
This is the gathering of
villains who parties :)

Even villains can be
ornaments :) Despite our
nature :)

It would be easy to blame the executives of Walt Disney Animation Studios and the mending of Pixar, which made both studios homogeneous, for this (which isn't my intention to slam them, guys). Yet of course this comes down to a subjective taste, though. Since these Revival villains has their fans, yet I`ll stand by my statement of this entry's content).
The very last, true great Disney villain was Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog. Who was praised for his greatness and deservedly so. Dr. Facilier was breezy and comical, yet charismatic and compelling enough to be on the great pantheon line. Unfortunately the same couldn't be said for his following ones. While Mother Gothel from Tangled has her fanbase and had frankly great potential, she was quite underwhelming and frankly dull (in my opinion)
King Candy/Turbo from Wreck-It-Ralph was entertaining, yet far from truly memorable. And let's not forget our dear Prince Hans from Frozen, who frankly was threatening, yet never truly convincing as a villain (while Duke of Wesselton could've been put in the same category, since he was an antagonist after all).
Which leads us to the one trope the Revival era has introduced: The reveal of the surprise villain of the third act. Big Hero 6 and Zootopia were not better with their villains and Moana, Ralph Breaks the Internet and Frozen II have pretty much excluded a main villains, though (despite how Moana had a couple of random antagonists, the main villain becomes good again afterwards). Even Raya and the Last Dragon, who had some antagonists, never had a clear cute villain.
It will be a challenge with us,
since we`re mean and nasty :)

Perhaps there haven`t been a definite answer to this decline. Yet Doug Walker (a.k.a. Nostalgia Critic) have cited a theory on his video on this subject; The small time schedule could be a part of this. While this may not be the sole reason, it's still a theory that is worth to ponder upon. And no folks, we're not heading into the debate of the current trend of making villains more sympathetic (*cough, Maleficent, cough*). Even though it would`ve been tempting to do so. 

 The Yearning of a Great Disney Villain

Taran should`ve been here :)

And sure, while I haven't been the only one who`ve addressed this issue (as aforementioned), it's truly a pity that Disney has diluted an component they've been known to do well. It`s certainly a pity that the newest villains haven't been truly memorable or charismatic.
And sure, while we could've ranted about
this forever, it would've seem as pure complain. And Pixar fanboys may hate for saying this, but if there's one thing that Disney truly did better than Pixar, was their villains. No matter how much praise Pixar was getting at the expense of Disney, at least Disney made villains better. Yet regarding Disney`s own policy to make a villain, they`ve managed to somewhat defend their new trend. In an interview for Raya and the Last Dragon, the creators have claimed the action of the nemesis makes up for the yearning for a true villain.


It should`ve been
stepmother knows
best :)

This is what Desperate
should`ve been
like :)
But hey, folks. Let's hope that this trend will turn. While it may seem like a
naive statement of mine, let's hope we'll one day see a return of a truly great Disney villain. As aforementioned, not every Disney villain has been great. So we could take this new trend under the same rug.
It would've been truly contradictory if Disney abandoned this trope forever. Since it's something that identifies them. We could at least be glad that the Revival era still had Disney's other stock roles, as the comical sidekicks and such. When it comes to a new era of villains (I'll pardon this intended pun), we'll have to Wish Upon a Star to see if they will appear again ;)

It should`ve been villainess :) But hey, ignore the wrong typing :)

Sleeping Beauty Diamond Edition

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