Hi folks! Welcome to my My Own Personal Nerdy Disney and Animation Scrutinizing Analysis blog. A blog where I'm analyzing several Disney films, Disney or Animation in general! These entries are just meant to be my analyses. Not reviews or statements. Just fun analyses! Though I'll make some personal remarks now and then, the content of these entries are meant to be depicted objectively. They're made for entertainment purpose only and the pictures/clips are copyright Disney or other companies.
Make sure to leave a comment if you like this site! And if there's something you think could be improved, please let me know. But in a constructive way, please. And just a note; I'm not a Native English writer, so my incorrect grammar may be notable.
And finally; If you haven't seen the films, beware of spoilers! And the funny lines aren't meant to be nothing than funny. So I hope you won't find them offensive. If so, I apologize
As the title song of this movie says; Life may be swift and fleeting. But life can also have it's unpredictable and unexpected turns and not always going as the way we planned. However, life can also have a peculiar way of not letting an work of art getting it's true reward at first. And gaining praise and legacy afterwards.
If you'll look at the beginning on Walt Disney's career, his first five years on the full-length animation industry were peculiar ones. These five films have been labeled for being the classics of the first "Golden Era". But funny enough only two of them broke the Box Office (Snow White and Dumbo). While the others flopped on their first releases, but gained a classic legacy afterwards with their re-releases.
It certainly was a daunting disappointment for the ever ambitious and hard-working Walt. Yet fortunately he managed to have a following golden era the following decade. While Disney are usually associated with adapting fairy tales (as aforementioned in my other entries), Walt actually relied on different sources to base his features on. Some of them was well known and iconic stories (as I've previously mentioned in my Tarzan-entry). But others were actually lesser known at the time.

Bambi is Salten's most well-known work and was banned from his homecountry by Hitler for it's political allegory. But it arrived to the US in 1928, translated at the time by Whittaker Chambers.
Apparently Salten wrote the story out of mere boredom and yes folks, the name Bambi was taken from the Italian term Bambino. Salten himself saw the film at the European premiere (while he passed away three years later, in 1945) and his novel was re-released with illustrations from Disney's work.
Of course Disney`s

The novel was at the time, believe it or not, considered to be too adult to adapt as an animated picture. While it was being targeted for being children's literature later on (for all the flack The Hunchback of Notre Dame got for being an adaptation of an adult literary source back in 1996, Bambi was certainly another contender).
Yet Bambi wasn't the only of Salten's work that was made into a motion picture by Disney. Two of his other properties, Perri (where Bambi makes a cameo) and The Hound of Florence (The Shaggy Dog), were adapted into live action properties. Yet unsurprisingly Disney would be sued for the copyrights of the book from Twin Books that were given by Salten's daugther, Anna Wyler (while the Salten's weren't the only ones Disney received a lawsuit from, as German Author Eugion Prandi claimed that Bambi was based on his 1932 book, The Hind).

Bambi has often been labeled as Walt's personal favorite (as well as Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston's) and also being the favorite of Peter Pan's Kathryn Beamount (which proves their good tastes, haha). Beamount even got in trouble for seeing it again.

And having been released on DVD trice (being re-released every sixth year and it's Platinum Edition had 1. Million units sold the first day) and Blu Ray twice (the Diamond Edition

Bambi is also one of twenty-five films selected for preservation by U.S. Library of Congress National Film Registry. It won an award in 1947 for it's groundbreaking Hindustani version. Bambi was also dubbed into Arapaho at the time and there`s also been some brief mentioning of converting it to 3D (while unfortunately it's not like to happen)

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This is a jaw-dropping stearing contest :) |
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At least we're not the black stallions :) |
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This is what we call a slumber party :) |
Of course the same could be said about Fantasia. Which of course isn't a cohesive story, but a couple of narratives strung together! The narrative Disney's Bambi possesses is a very simplistic one. But it's also something that Bambi is truly known for.
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Ignore the picture above, they copied me. It's Deja Vu :) |
Originally the crew wanted the story to possess a moral for our hero, yet they eventually decided that it wasn't necessary (Walt had a stenographer during the story meetings for the film and his final drafts were not far from the final result). Yet Walt wanted the story to be simplistic as possible.

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I did it waaaay before Simba :) |

Walt originally envisioned a montage of the forest being restored by the changing seasons after the big fire. Yet the fire sequence was actually a part from the get-go (despite not being a part of the book). But the idea of a charred forest was eventually cut due to financial reasons. So the 8,500 feet long picture was reduced to 6,259 feet (to the biggest dismay of Frank Thomas).

Yet Wong cites that his contribution to Bambi was just a minor one in his career, it's certainly been remembered. The simplistic style (inspired by the Song dynasty) was a conscious choice, since the leaves and details of the forest were getting too elaborate, detailed and even photo-realistic to get the characters seen (yet the original thought was to make it entirely realistic).
The muted colors was also a conscious for it's setting (yet ironically enough, the film was shot in black and white and then added colors through a color wheel). However, the look of the film was actually an issue that the crew faced after refining the story. Walt himself felt that the style for Bambi was truly a departure from his prior features.
And while crews of later Disney projects have looked at Bambi for inspiration, they've never managed to capture the exact sheer feel of it (while The Fox and the Hound came close, in my opinion, regardless of it borrowing scenes from Bambi). Of course animation historians have cited that nobody will match the opulence of Bambi. And while this is of course subjective, Bambi's visuals are of course noteworthy for their own.
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What a cool new hat, huh? As long as it doesn't thaw :) |
The last two leaves that falls at the end of the fall montage was taken from the book. And Walt wanted to include it from the get-go. But even he got apprehensive about it once, believing that it wouldn't play as well in the movie. But the following snow scene was depicted as a contrast to the falling leaves (and Bambi's discovery of the snow was modeled after the joy of real life children discovering snow. Deliberately meant to be funny and Walt originally envisioned a snow montage turning into spring to open the movie).

However, two years would pass before Walt finally got the rights to the books (it's rumored that Sidney urged Walt and even said that he was getting another offer for the story from MGM, while it was rumored to be bogus)
Despite that Walt's original vision was different (and certainly different from Sidney's), Franklin guided Walt to the picture's epic and emotional scale. Though Walt still deliberately wanted more comedy in his film, as opposed to the book (yet Sidney Franklin got his final dedication on the picture). The possibilities of depicting the animals intrigued Walt, while he didn't felt the urge to stick to the book. Walt wanted to construct the story first and cast the actors before animating and recording the music. Yet he was advised to just portray the story through some few characters first.

The animators had their each individual talent; Ollie Johnston pulled off the animation of the characters thinking, while Milt Kahl animated the complex body positions. Eric Larson were assigned to do the cute stuff, whereas Frank Thomas was mostly interested in emotions (and both latter persons had their each individual policy of what was more important between a good drawing or good acting). The animators were given different sequences and didn't have their own character to supervise as priorly. And these animators would animate the whole film (and adding some additional animators).
However, both Frank and Ollie had their reservations over the story even being appealing to film, as they described it as an "mosaic of isolated adventures". Animating complex emotions on the deers themselves still made the deers look awkward at first.
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Poisoned apples are irresistible :) |

His animators thought that making Bambi the second feature was a huge mistake! The problems of the film daunted Walt when he first worked on it (and he was more comfortable with the comedy scenes and with the squirrels and bees at first than those with the deers and Man).
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Must eat them before the Gummi Bears arrives :) |
Walt didn't want to rush the production afterwards. And by exploring the use of classical music (and because of his uncertainty, he was absent of the story meetings for Bambi and chose Fantasia to be the following picture after Pinocchio (yet Walt wanted to strive for a release every single year and was even that cocky that he thought the studio could churn out a feature every sixth month and be even more active, as Goldwyn).
Walt chose the storyguys from Snow White, Perce Pearce and Larry Morey, to be the heads of story for Bambi. Since they brought a sympathetic appeal in the former project (Pearce even acted the characters and was suggested to even record some of the lines).
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Hey, we must be creative, won't we? |

But what differentiated Bambi from Walt's previous works was (despite the dialogue given to the animals) the story would be more realistic and have no roots in fictional magic. So this mantra would of course apply to the animals (despite that his firstthoughts was not about to make the deers too realistic). Yet Walt was still less present during the story meetings for this picture, because of
But it's certainly evident that the animals in Bambi have been dedicated with anatomy. The
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Don't call me mama for this :) |
The crew also had other different species of forest animals, suggested by artist and photographer Maurice "Jake" Day. Yet the pet deers would be eventually released in the Griffith Park at the end (and a buck actually came to seek out Faline and causing a huge havoc).
The species of the deers were changed from roe deers to white tailed-deer. As the latter was more common in the US. Producer Dave Hand claimed his pity for the animators who had to learn the hard anatomy, who couldn't manage to draw eight drawings daily.
The crew eventually borrowed an old film studio on Seward Street in Hollywood, since the Hyperion Avenue studio were getting overcrowded (and despite some initial resentments, the crew found it stimulating to work on a less frantic environment). While the fawns were left behind in the Hyperion Avenue studio, which of course left the crew with confusion over the absence of Walt. They almost forgot the deers when they were on the other lot! The construction of the then-new studio in Burbank also took Walt's time.
The crew also borrowed an animal expert, Bernard "Garby" Garbutt, to guide them to draw the animals (despite being no animator and even protesting the idea of humanizing the animal expressions). Artist Rico Lebrun had even brought a carcass of a dear, which only Eric Larsson attended to (since he could tolerate the smell).
Even drawing Bambi's muzzle was a hard task, due to it was hard to making him talk for his rounded snout. Which was the opposite of Thumper's, who only has one tooth. Walt suggested that Thumper's ability would be to say quotes (Peter Behn was guided through the wee zoo and didn't knew about the storyline when he was a part of the film). Even to make Bambi's spots always in the right place was cautiously taken care of. While the process was of course slow, Walt wanted the animation to be quick at the end of production (while the animators originally worked fast).
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I've been too much with Sleepy :) |

human expressions (as well as huge eyes, who would be a typical Disney trademark to come). While Marc wasn't originally an animator, Walt was so impressed with his work that he put Milt Kahl and Frank to teach him to animate! Marc convinced the skeptics that naturalistic deers could carry a picture! Yet Milt Kahl was the one who made the ultimate transition by making the designs easy to animate.

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Ignore the thing below me, it's just... green :) |
While Bambi became an initial (under)performance for many reasons, one of them was for not being the levity escapism the audience wanted to see during the war. But also because of the market being overwhelmed with motion pictures. Walt wrote to Franklin in May 1943 that he was certain that the film would find it's audience eventually (which even Roy Disney believed). And Walt gleefully declared it to his crew when it finally happened in the early 1950's.
Walt was thinking to present the film as a "roadshow" feature with limited performances and reserved seatings. Showcased in theaters that would feature Walt's "Fantasound", along with an immersive, ultra-widescreen format. Walt also had a debt to the Bank of America, so he had to persuade them to give him enough support to make Bambi. Which he fortunately managed to get. Yet eventually the budget of the film was $ 858,000 million dollars!
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They're not strings, they're shadows :) |

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I was looking down, I'm not bowing to you :) |

voice actors. The voice actor of adult Bambi is claimed to be provided by Donald Sutherland, who was an assistant director, writer and dialogue director. Yet animated voice actors at the time were never credited (yet Sutherland tested his voice for Friend Owl and Mr; Hare and married the voice actress for Bambi's mother). Disney veteran Verna Felton was also among the cast.

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We're lost in our Cellophane eyes :) |

The outgoing, outspoken, but endearing Thumper is really the star of the show (there are many suggestions of who invented him. But his role got expanded afterwards to solve certain story problems. And priorly his name was Bobo). Stealing every scene he's in (and not to mention his cute siblings with different colors, yet Walt envisioned that the sibling would be six individual characters, in the vein of the Seven Dwarfs).
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We're playing strike a "tough" pose. It's going to take forever ;) |
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At least it's not wingapo :) |
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I'm pondering about my next lie :) |
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I don't understand a clue of what you're trying to say :) |
Several characters from the first drafts were deleted, as a spider, bee, fox, grasshopper (who was very spiteful) and a weasel (by suggestion by Franklin, who didn't like the latter scene). The two former animals had comedic encounters with Bambi. And when those scenes got reshaped, the animators didn't want nothing to do with them. However, funny enough, a random video captured a deer and a rabbit playing together in 2015.

Apparently back on it's 1942 release, the audience were legitimately baffled over the inclusion of a sudden death within the story. Which may be a reason why death was pretty much excluded in Walt`s following films. And despite how death is now known as a typical Disney trademark, it has increased in the latest Disney films. And several mothers covered their children's eyes when it happened.

Walt was aware of that moment being the most powerful moment in the film (yet the Stag's speech to Bambi was going to be more elaborate). The story team had reservations to the incident initially, since it seemed like a random event (and even Diane Disney was upset over this choice). Donnie Dunagan had to use method acting for this scene and the storycrew wanted to stress that Bambi was helpless without her (by showing how she was the one who found the grass).
On it's final theatrical release in the summer of 1988, a phycologist warned parents to take children to see this film (at least children under the age of seven). Yet surveys proved that children handled this scene quite well. However, another survey confirmed that parents were more worried than their children about the death scene.
While the story never deals with the grief after the accident, there was an article that suggested that Bambi learned to take care of himself after all. While Bambi's mom may not be fully developed, she's still a caring, decent and likable character to make the audience invest in her. Which makes the death even more devastating (and yes, folks, a teenager actually cried out "here I am, Bambi" during the premiere, making the audience laugh)
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It's a dramatic version of Brady Bunch :) |
It would be awfully tempting to compare which death between Bambi vs. The Lion King is worse. But since it's subjective, I'll leave it for now. However, we can be all glad and thankful for that the tough love-perception that Bambi receives about it wasn't in the movie. As opposed to the book.
But it's fascinating that the hunters are never shown! It was a conscious choice, for the mere power of it and just let them arriving by music (the fire cue was made by a crinkling cellophane at close to the microphone). And not even using their shadows, as it was suggested. And yes, folks, some hunters were insulted by the portrayal, while others hunters were converted for the better! And Bambi created a huge anti-hunting agenda, which the media still mocked it quite blatantly, by one of them with Bambi starving because of increasing deer population;.

And believe it or not, it was suggested that Thumper would be shot (originally the squirrels would plead the dogs to not attack Faline at the climax). The dogs being both sketched and animated by the studio's first female animator, Reta Scott. Who sketched animals with Mel Shaw and Marc Davis, despite her decreased experience of animating. Since female staff were usually put on the ink and paint department at the time. Scott was even labeled as a female version of Freddy Moore.
There were rumors that Walt wanted to characterize the Hunters and even showing the hunter who shoots Mom. The hunter was going to be killed after the fire (for his own carelessness). But it was too grim for the audience to handle (yet Old Stag would ensure that Man weren't that powerful to Bambi at the climax). And despite of how harrowing Mom's off-screen dead has been, we're actually shown the corpse of a bird who gets shot in the climax. Yet Walt wanted to reduce the pure violence and corpses.
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I'm not evil, only the shadows suggest so :) |

He becomes Bambi's opponent for a slight moment. But it's remarkable how the fight itself is depicted in black colors. Moody, indeed. Personally I found it quite distracting as a kid (for obvious reasons, duuuh). But it was an intentional choice. Faline's brother in the book, Gobo, was discarded from the picture. Franklin suggested to Walt that the action in this movie would've been seen, not talked about (which was a contrast from the book, where the chapters of Man had the animals talk a lot).

The Lion King is often labeled as "Bambi with a plot" by people. And regardless of what purists may say, it's understandable to see why. Another issue with Bambi is that there's given little dedication to real development or arc to the characters. How Bambi and The Lion King handles both deaths are obvious. Since Bambi's mom is never ever mentioned by any character later on. While Lion King makes the death of Mufasa an important plotpoint.
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Yes, we're standing here without getting eaten by the Royals :) |
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Look at this, Diana Ross :) |
Both of them were childhood favorites of mine and both great in their own way. But to give my overall opinion of the characterizations, atmosphere and sheer innocence in each movie, Bambi is the clear winner! While The Lion King shines with it's other components and deservedly so.
It's also a fact that The Lion King was a bigger blockbuster than Bambi at the time. Since Lion King had a bigger advantage of following a string of successes. However, while The Lion King has been officially "crowned" as the following generations Bambi, it hasn't been the only naturalistic film influenced by the royal fawn!

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At least we're not Rudolph's gang :) |

Since it's been a part of From All of Us to All of You Christmas show (and modeled by real life skate champions. Where live action reference was shot of Jane Randolph, who had never skated before and Ice-Capades star Donna Atwood).
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It was the only size they had :) |
The snow sequence was animated by Bill Justice, who claimed his work on Bambi as his greatest. But the ice sequence isn't the only iconic scene in the movie (besides a certain deeath). Bambi's tour of the forest, the bounce over the log and especially the chase after the butterfly (animated by Frank Thomas) is iconic. And the image of the butterfly landing on his tail has been frequently used in posters and book covers. Bambi has been frequently used in Disney's Educational Products as well.
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You made my tail more exciting :) |
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What? I'm cooling down :) |

Regardless of it's stamp, Bambi does succeed with it's songs. It's opener, Love is a Song, was sung by popular tenor singer Donald Nevis (which was dedicated to composers Frank Churchill's wife, Carolyn, who was a secretary for
Walt). My personal favorite, Little April Shower (visualized by Mel Shaw and it's ending shot was inspired by a reference photo) is a true delight and a highlight in the film (it's rumored that one of the effect guys was arrested for laying on the ground and looking at rain above for the reference. While it's uncertain if this story is true or not, rain on a soundstage was filmed for reference).
As is Let's Sing a Gay Little Spring Song, who was partly inspired by the short Birds in the Spring. Yet a winter song was suggested (who would show crystal formations of snow and showing beautiful shapes of trees and sunlight pushing the snow away).

But the team rather wanted the comedy to be played through music and not dialogue. And the planning of the music on this picture was a contrast to the process in Pinocchio.
Due to Bambi's setting, Walt also diluted the cartoony sound effects. He also stressed how the music should be great. Frank Churchill's and Edward Plumb's score is delightful and wonderful (despite that Churchill wasn't really trained, his previous job was to play the music for silent films). The lyrics were written by story man Larry Morey.
But personally I've always considered Walt's previous scores to be equally steeped in classic music (flutes and piccolos were suggested as a theme from the birds, but Walt preferred the classical). Yet Fantasia's score still influenced Bambi pretty much (and Walt wanted the score and especially the Ronno-fight, to be steeped in music by Wagner, Ravel and Stravinsky for it's thrill).

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I can fly and you can't ;) |
Walt Disney's Bambi; The Story and The Film (Ollie Johnston, Frank Thomas)
Bambi Platinum Edition
Bambi Walt Disney Signature Collection
Mouse Under Glass (David Koenig)
The Art of Walt Disney: From Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms and Beyond (Christopher Finch).
Disney's Art of Animation: From Mickey Mouse to Hercules (Bob Thomas).
Walt Disney: The Art of Animation (Bob Thomas, 1958 edition).
Walt Disney's Bambi; The Magic Behind the Masterpiece (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMhXgkFfWjI).
PBS American Experience Walt Disney
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Platinum Edition.
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