"Treasure Planet" - The Sci-Fi, Intergalactical Version of "Treasure Island" and the Second Sci-Fi Adventure Flop From Disney
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Even in Outer Space we`re obsessed with selfies :) At least me (Jim) and Morph :)
Yes, there are many hot girls on this side :)
names of John Musker and Ron Clements are household names in Disney
animation for two reasons: They`ve created some of Disney`s
most influential and memorable movies from the Renaissance and even the
Revival era. And they`ve also happened to be the latest Disney directors with the most
directorial credit. But to summarize their history, one of the most
interesting and remarkable trivia about them truly lies to one specific story:
Their big dream project. Which was an adaptation of Robert Louis
Stevenson`s Treasure Island. The only difference was that it was going to be set in Space. While they were making The Great Mouse Detective
(1986), they were suggesting to make that adaptation. But the
executives at Disney were initially skeptical about it, so it was
postponed. It was brought up again when The Little Mermaid entered the surface (pardon this intended pun), but the executives declined once again.
I know that you want to have my glow, Jim. But you`ll have to wait three years from now :)
But when Aladdin turned
out to be a bigger hit, they proposed the ideaagain (and were planningto do it). But Jeffrey
Katzenberg wasn`t keen on it anymore. They headed for Roy Disney, who gave them hissupport (where they signed a seven year contract).Still, the studio told them to do one more bankable picture before actually
settling on their Treasure Island. Which happened to be Hercules (which happened to be the most deliberately commercial picture from the Renaissance). While Hercules happened to be their true underperformance, Musker and Clements were finally given a go to make their version of Treasure Island. It`s remarkable that it took them over 17 years before their pet project, Treasure Planet, was greenlit before it made the final screen. But unfortunately Planet ended
up with the fate of being a quite remarkable picture for two reasons. For actually being the personal
pet project who ended up being a flop.
While Silver was declared to be the first Disney character to be a blendof both Hand Drawn and CGI, he was technically the second (folllowing Grandmother Willow from Pocahontas). But at least Silver`s maquette was a blend, as his arm was dimensional. But Glen Keane was afraid that his arms was going to stick out. Eric Daniels, who invented Deep Canvas for Tarzan, made the arm for Silver. And Keane didn`t want to do the arm, so therefore he approached Daniels.
Yes, this was my way of doing a meow in three seconds :)
Rapunzel should`ve been with me now :) For seeing the lights :)
The name of the ship (RLS Legacy) was decided by a contest, despite how Musker wanted the name of the ship to be the same of the novel, Hispanolia. Elliot and Rossio wrotethe script because the directors were burned-out, before the directors wrote their part. Despite how their final sript wasn`t that different. Morph was based on lava lamps and puppy dogs. The whales and the mantabirds were the first characters that were ever done in Deep Canvas. Glen Keane storyboarded the I`m Still Here song number (despite how he wasn`t the lead animator for Jim). And yes, having stars and clouds was too complicated for the crew to handle, so therefore the crew didn`t have them.
I know that you`re at an age where you don`t like to be cuddled, Jim, but you`ll get used to it afterwards :)
Yes, I wrote a journal while I did my dangerous stunts :)
With Atlantis,
Disney was trying something semi-new in Full-Length
Animation: To make an animated movie that was going to be a Sci-Fi Adventure
(despite how Don Bluth`s Titan A.E. was technically the first). And itwas a highly ambitious project for the studio (which they marketed the heck of). Unfortunately most Disneyphiles knows the unfortunate fate of Atlantis: For various reasons, Atlantis failed to connect with audiences (whether it`s truly unfortunate has been debatable, since several people seems to detest Atlantis completely). Therefore, things didn`t look too rosy for the next upcoming film which shared the same genre, Treasure Planet.
Yes, the planet is hidden in the chest :) Believe it or not :)
So yeah, the reputation of Treasure Planet isunfortunately linked to it`s financial perfomance: For being a flop (in fact, Disney wrote the film off soon afterit`s premiere). And just as with Atlantis, it was a highly ambitious project the studio had high hopes for and marketed the heck of (which fate could be a synergy). However, the consensus of Planet seems to be better than Atlantis, asit was better criticallyreceived at the timeand has abiggerfanbase. But Planet just happened to be a flop among ít`s counterparts of it`s era, since the
post-Renaissance era was frankly another dark age for Disney.
At least it`s not Jack Sparrow`s ship :)
But frankly the staple is underseverdly so. Cause Treasure Planet is
a quite damn good movie (pardon my swearing). With splendid visuals, a savvy screenplay, a
stellar score, good voice acting and involving action sequences. True that it`s gained a bigger following
through the years, and has a staple of being a cult movie.
It`s funny how Planet
cemented the reputation of how Pirate-movies were Box Office Poison
eight months before the release of another Disney movie who would eventually turn
that trend, Pirates of the Caribbean (who of course became an iconic franchise of it`s own right). Despite how it was followed by another Pirate-movie who was also a flop, DreamWorks` Sinbad The Legend of the Seven Seas.
How Treasure Planet Differentiates From John Musker and Ron Clements` Other Movies
Don`t be fooled, my back is killing me :)
To call Treasure Planet a
complete departure from what Musker and Clements have done earlier may
be somewhat wrong. During the Renaissance they were pretty much known
for incorprating various elements to their films. Their movies were known as fun and breeze, despite that Aladdin made them synonymous with Pop Culture References. However, Treasure Planet still stands out as their pure adventure film (which was a
deliberate choice). Despite being an action movie, it came also across
as more subdued than their previous films (which is a personal opinion
of mine).
Yes, this is a proof of how a feline can tame a canine :)
However, Planet also happened to be one of the few Musker/Clements pictures that was absent of anyromance for the lead
character whatsoever (which was something that Musker and Clements weredeliberately against). Despite how it creates a peculiar, but traditional romance between Doppler and Amelia (who`s the best character
in the film, which many people agreed with. And one of two major females in
this male-centric picture). Which is essentially an
interspecies romance. While their sparring and development may be
predictable, their romance never overshadows the film (and ends up with a
cue that is strikingly reminiscent of Lady and the Tramp: Starting their family with four children, three girls and a boy). The directors suggested
that the Captain could be a woman. And she was suggested to be a blend of Emma Peel and Mary Poppins.
But let`s
remember that Disney were once stuck for their Disneyficationand other
source material were even more radically changed (*cough, Hunchback,
cough*). But as for the changes besides the setting, except for a few
details, there`s not particularly many big changes to Planet. Many of the key
scenes from the novel were intact, with a few tweakings. And despite the setting,
the movie was made from creators who clearly had a deep love for the book. So it wasn`t such a radical departure and a blasphemy as it could`ve been.
The 70/30 Rule & Species of Characters
Yes, this ship was added some pixie dust :) It`s not actually floating :)
What makes Treasure Planet notable is (of course) how it was set in space, which was truly something new for a Disney feature at the time. While Lilo & Stitch also dealt with Aliens and Space, at least Planet
took it a step further and was centered around the Galactical Universe.
Yet what it truly unique, is how it`s a blend of both old and new. It
was executed by a 70/30 rule: To have the environment be steeped in
1700th Century Architecture and have the rest of it be 30% Futuristic (suggested by Clements, actually). The creators wanted to have an unique blend for it (a principle in Planet was that it should feel that Stevenson had written the novel in science fiction). It may be an odd and notable choice (no offense), but still it works in Planet (despite how to have an Irish score in a semi-alien World could`ve also
been perceived as jarring, but hey. Let`s not nitpick about it).
Yes, I find your outfit to be haughty :) Don`t ask me why :)
what makes Treasure Planet awfully remarkable is how it plays with
some logics and lets Jim and his family being the few humans
in this overall Alien-Populated Universe. It`s a nitpick, of course, but
it`s quite remarkable (and yes, another nitpick is how Jim`s mother,
Sarah, looking like she could`ve easily been his older sister rather
than his mother. But hey, let`s not nitpick too much, shall we?).However, Planet doesn`t come across as visually distinctive as Atlantis. As it harks back to the traditional and classical Disney look. And while comparisons to Atlantis are of course inevitable, at least Planet allowed to have more diversity with it`s creatures and having more distinctive aliens (which made the character designs challenging, since they needed to be hybrids).
Jim Hawkins
I know that I`m not Justin Bieber, but girls will swoon for me anyway :)
It certainly was something new for Disney to do at the time (unless you`ll count Zira from The Lion King II Simba`s Pride,
who was a villain anyway). But it was certainly something that made Jim
more current and relatable. But it`s quite remarkable that the reason for why Jim`s father even made that decision is never stated in the movie (but for those who wants to know the reason, it`s
explained on the Treasure Planet A Voyage of Discovery Book). Even the face of Jim`s father is never shown. But despite being semi-rebellious, Jim comes mostly across as a good character with a good heart and values.
My apple ain`t Snow White`s apple :)
the heart of the film lies in the dysfunctional, but heartfelt Father/Son dynamic between Jim and John Silver (who`s now is a cyborg and his first name, John, is never referred to in the film). While
a fatherly dynamic between Jim and Silver existed in the original
story, the film takes it a step further and makes Silver a real
surrogate father for Jim. Silver is
essentially a memorable and charismatic character and is an archetype
who`s bigger than life. But it would`ve be a stretch to call
him the true villain of this piece (as it
would`ve been more fair to call Scroop the villain, as he
comes across a pure evil).
I love my right arm :) It makes me badass :)
But despite how Silver has a antagonistic
side, he`s not completely villainous either (as the
movie does a good job of portraying his ambiguity). In fact, Silver
comes across as being well rounded and very dimensional: Struggling
with his lust for the treasure and the affectionate bond between him and Jim (which in fact Aladdin`s father, Cassim from Aladdin & The King of Thieves,
also struggled with). But the scenes between them pretty much serves as the biggest
emotional scenes. As they work without becoming too
mawkish or sappy. And yes, there is some genuine chemistry between them. While Silver does turn on the good side at the end, he
also does embodies the main theme of the film: To give up treasure for
the greater good. It may be a typical message in such stories, but it`s still a message
that works.
The Comedy
While Treasure Planet was
praised by critics and fans, perhaps the leastsuccessful
part of it has been the comedy. And frankly it`s easy to see why. While
Musker and Clements became synonymous with their comedy on their
pictures, it`s true that the comedy in Planet isn`t as
front and center as their previous works. But on that case, the comedy
ranks from being subdued to juvenile. Most of the wisecracks never
steals the film as it have done with Musker and Clements`s previous
films. And the other comedy (the aliens) ends up being weird or
But the most grating element is B.E.N. (based on Ben Gunn, but cleverly named as a nick for Bio Electronic
Nagivator), voiced by Martin Short. Who`s essentially one of the most
grating and obnoxious comic reliefs ever created for a Disney Animated
Feature. And frankly, various reviewers agreed on that (even a neighbour
kid which my family used to babysit found him annoying). While B.E.N. doesn`t completely sullies the picture, he`s still one of the nitpicks and the minor flaws of Planet. But it still makes Planet remarkable, as comedy has usually been one of Musker and Clements strongest points and that it never succeeds in Planet.
The Reasons For Treasure Planet`s Underperformance
So yeah, Treasure Planet is
a movie who`s unfortunately hampered by abad fate. And it`s a pity to
say that it`s undeservedly so. While it has a fanbase who`s discovered
it, it still belongs to Disney`s underrated catalog. So yeah, Planet is stuck with the stamp of being a pet project that ended up
of being Disney`s biggest flop. But still for all it`s bad staple, it
still has it`s fanbase and deservedly so. Cause as aforementioned, it`s a
very good movie. While it may have it`s weaknesses
(the comedy, Jim, some weak dialogue and characters who fails to stand out), it`s does shine with it`s strengths. While Musker and Clements had to wait 17 years before Planet would ever grace the screen, perhaps it was an advantage that it took that long. For getting the technology to develop correctly.
This will be the latest picture to the Awkward Posing Collection :)
for my own personal experience with it, I saw it theatrically when
it was released in my native Norway. And while I did like it, I found it to be somewhat
forgettable. But later viewings on DVD made me love the movie more. And since then
it`s become one of my favorites, regardless of it`s staple. Since this entry is synergized with it being 20 years since it was released on
DVD (yes, for me who was a late teenager at the time, it`s hard to
believe that it`s been over 20 years already), there`s nothing left to wish Treasure Planet Happy Past 20th Anniversary and may you continue to have many more.
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