onsdag 5. juli 2017

"Pocahontas II: Journey To a New World" - The Hated Cheapquel Journey Which Actually Continued a Historical Inaccurate Story, But Was Stuck With a Bad Stamp

Hi folks! Welcome to my My Own Personal Nerdy Disney and Animation Scrutinizing Analysis blog. A blog where I'm analyzing several Disney films, Disney or Animation in general! These entries are just meant to be my analyses. Not reviews or statements. Just fun analyses! Though I'll make some personal remarks now and then, the content of these entries are meant to be depicted objectively. They're made for entertainment purpose only and the pictures/clips are copyright Disney or other companies. 

Make sure to leave a comment if you like this site! And if there's something you think could be improved, please let me know. But in a constructive way, please. And just a note; I'm not a Native English writer, so my incorrect grammar may be notable.

And finally; If you haven't seen the films, beware of spoilers! And the funny lines aren't meant to be nothing than funny. So I hope you won't find them offensive. If so, I apologize

Ignore the tagline at the end. It was may to be current at the time ;)

Disney's 32d animated feature, 1995's Pocahontas, was as you know, indeed something of a peculiarity in Disney animation. It was a rare movie that ended unhappily deliberately. And therefore was perfectly set-up for a sequel. So that`s why in 1998 (having reached it's 20th Anniversary), three years after it's initial release, a sequel was released (while one could always wonder why a sequel wasn't released sooner). 
Made in a short amount of time and having just one week of pre-production (which the crew had no access to the first film, besides some model sheets), the sequel was among the cheapquels that were released directly on video.
In my entry for The Lion King II Simba's Pride I`ve discussed the genesis of the cheapquel phase. But to take a brief summary; The Aladdin cheapquels were in reality expansions of the TV series (though at least Aladdin & The King of Thieves had a elaborate and solid plotline, as well as substance and depth). Pooh's Grand Adventure was not the most surprising choice for this medium, while Beauty and the Beast The Enchanted Christmas was a skimpy cheapquel. So perhaps all of the early releases, Pocahontas II served the bill of being an actual sequel.
In my previous entry I cited that most of these "beloved" cheapquels (yes, note the sarcasm, folks) relied on skimpy plotlines or were pretty much retreads of their predecessors. And while it's tempting to place Pocahontas II in the latter category, at least it was logically set up for the contiunation of the story and serves the legend.

Standing still for the leaf on my nose made me sweat :)

The Reason For the Hatred 

However, discussing these cheapquels is of course a minefield (for obvious reasons). My first entry about a cheapquel (Simba's Pride) was to scrunitize if it deserved it's recognition of being placed higher than it's cheapquel catalog.
Pocahontas II doesn't have that same luxury. It's definitively placed in the category of hated cheapquels. And it`s hated for one single reason; For ending the relationship between Pocahontas and John Smith (this time voiced by Mel Gibson's younger brother, Donald). 
I guess that sole reason is fair, for being legit, after all. But regardless of the different opinions about Pocahontas II (there are some people who consider it to be an improvement over it`s predecessor), it`s not particularly praised for it's strengths (at least by the majority). So the question of course is if the movie deserves the hate. Or does it actually deserve credit for what it manages to achieve?

Look at this bow, Rihanna :)


The Strengths of Pocahontas II

What makes Pocahontas II thick is that it's at least shaped as an actual sequel. It's strengths and weaknesses are the exact components and problems that a real sequel would have (while of course it's tempting to cite that this sequel should've been a polished, theatrical one. In the same vein as The Rescuers Down Under). Whereas this notion alone deserves to be recognized by itself, it's of course another case. But we'll leave it at that.

Mmmmm... If I could melt your heart :)

The Change of Love Interest

This nod, my friend, is
blowing in the wind :)
Of course the most discussed aspect about Pocahontas II is the appearance of John Rolfe (voiced by Billy Zane, of all people). This issue is somewhat of a headscratcher, since Rolfe was deliberately thrown out of the first movie. Since the historical Rolfe planted tobacco (despite there were some initial pleas to keep him). Well, at least the exclusion Rolfe from the first movie was understandable. 
This is the closest I'll get
to a cliff in this case :)
Since that movie was about the famous incident of Pocahontas and John Smith. As she originally met Rolfe later in her life, it makes Rolfe`s inclusion legit. 
One issue about this sequel is (just as with it's predecessor) Of course about it's historical inaccuracy. Since the plotline of the sequel falls in the same category. However, the events are still shaped from the historical Pocahontas' life. Since she did  travel to London, after all.
It's noteworthy how Rolfe and Pocahontas' romantic development in this movie is pretty much a conventional one; They have a sparring enmity with each other first and falls in love afterwards
Now I have a legit reason to call you a jewel, honey ;)
But it's remarkable how romance is pretty much secondary in this sequel. While the romance is of course gets to shine, it isn't as prominent as it was with it`s predecessor. Which was equally a love story as well as a peace making-story. This sequel is first and foremost the latter.

The Maturity of the Sequel and Some Scrutiny About Pocahontas` Final Choice

We'll meet again... don't know where, don't know when :)
One particular thing with the original Pocahontas is that it was basically an adult story. With adult themes, layers and depth (due to how the stylized humans were animated with such tremendous depth and subtleties, the task was a daunting one for the animators on the sequel). The maturity isn't exactly excluded here, but somewhat reduced. When we meet Pocahontas again in this sequel, she realizes that she needs to move on with her life (while believing that Smith eventually died). Of course this issue is thrown out of the way when she meets Smith again. But her following turmoil is mostly about what she must do to save her people from the war, rather than to choose whom she loves. 
We have to be PC, it's a G rated movie, folks ;)
And yes folks, she does eventually rejects Smith's proposal to go with her (which he apparently takes nicely. Despite that many people have cited that Smith was made to be a jerk in this movie, so that she would go with Rolfe) and goes home to her people. 
And to nitpick a little She hooks up with Rolfe when they met each other again in the ship to take her home. But it's Rolfe who chooses her. It's not as she deliberately ditches Smith for Rolfe, regardless of her turmoil (despite what the naysayers says).
But regardless of how much people hates this, the pairing of Rolfe and Pocahontas is true to history. Sue to how Rolfe was the one she settled with. Regardless of the various opinions around who's a better John (I couldn't resist that one, haha), at least Rolfe comes across as a fine match for her. While not being a particularly memorable or outstanding character, he's still decent and approachable enough to make the audience root for him (though I guess he's mostly hated). 

A Comparison Between The Two Movies

If we're gonna take a comparison between the two films, one problem with the original Pocahontas is it's serious and po-faced tone. And how it's labeled as a trying-too-hard in every degree. Pocahontas II is basically lighter in tone and less po-faced. And despite that I've personally thought that it has some serious and poignant moments (especially in the first act in Jamestown), it remains pretty much lighter in tone (in fact, it's easy to compare the What a Day in London sequence as a English-setted version of Belle in Beauty and the Beast, for their similarlities). While the sequel may not have a overwhelmingly amount of wisecracks (which the first movie was severely criticized for lacking), at least it manages to be more fun in tone.
I know I look like an ornament, 
but they wouldn't listen.
Another difference is how this sequel is frankly better written than it's predecessor (yes, sorry to cite this, folks). Whereas the original film had a couple of contrived plot holes to fill the gap of some logical issues, at least this film doesn't have the same problem. The screenplay is mostly solid and manages to flow smoothly. And at least our heroine gets a new wardrobe change and gets to be dressed up in a big gown.

The Other Strengths of Pocahontas II

Of course a big difference between the films is how the sequel basically has something that the original pretty much lacked; Suspense and action. There are several genuinely thrilling and exciting moments in this sequel. While the original film pretty much diluted the action in order to be politically correct (of course not completely, though). 
At least Pocahontas and Ratcliffe gets to interact in this sequel, while their interaction in the first film was completely absent (and hile there was no indication in the first film which suggested that she even saw Ratcliffe shooting Smith, she remembers him immediatly when she sees him again). 
At least we're all hairy... 
in different ways :)
Of course something that Pocahontas herself is credited and labeled for (as a character) is about her being a peacemaker (funny how the end credits of this movie actually has a contribution to learn about the historical Pocahontas). And frankly that's what she both serves and succeeds in, which is proven from the get-go in Jamestown at the beginning of this movie (due to her being referenced to it by the female Settlers). While she does eventually becomes a damsel in distress in a couple of times in this sequel, she's still not entirely a helpless victim either. The isssue of uncivilized vs civilized decency is shown here, since its a major theme in both movies. Of course it`s executed in a obvious way, to make the kids understand the message (yet the ending is still a politically correct one and a departure from the ending of the first Pocahontas).


Comic Relief & Switching of Old and New Characters

I can actually lift you. Hurray! :)
A criticism against both films is the interaction between the animals Meeko, Flit and Percy (which the animators on this movie enjoyed to work on the most). Since the animals pretty much exhibited more personality and vitality than the humans and were the scene-stealers in both films, it seems like the majority of the adults pretty much found them contrived. 
However, at least in the first film they had a
I`m witnessing a male
catfight :) Just for me :)
clever purpose; To mirror the conflict between the Settlers and the Native Americans. While in this film they don't have the exact same purpose (but they do get to contribute help to rescue our title lead).
While they've been criticized for being just a contrived distraction in this film for the kiddies, I personally considered them to be more suitable here. Since the first film was dramatically uneven between the comedy and the drama, this film integrates the comedy smoothly (in my opinion).
It's love on first smell :)
Grandmother Willow served somewhat as a comic relief in the first Pocahontas (and was
perhaps one of the best characters in that film), she's unfortunately pretty much diluted here (yet she has a purpose here as well; To learn our heroine to listen to her heart, as opposed to with it). In Pocahontas II we're given another comic relief in Mrs. Jenkins, who`s a grandmotherly, advising figure to our heroine. While she's not as integral to the plot as Grandmother Willow were, at least she's not completely wasted either. 
We`re the Golden Couple :)
And that's because
we're Disneyfied ;)
At least we'll get to see King James being a
full-fleshed out character here, alongside with his Queen (who was briefly showed in the first film). While old characters like Thomas, Ben, Lon and Wiggins are left out. For those who detested Nakoma in the first film, she's pretty much diluted here. Of course the new character among the Natives is the serious and silent Uttamatomakkin (or Uti), who is given the role as the protector of our Native heroine (who's referred to as a Princess in this movie). Yet in real life, Uttamatomakkin was the name of her father's brother in law.

The Purpose of This Entry & My Personal Opinion About The Movie

Of course my analysis was not meant to trash the original film at the expense of it's sequel. My intention was to mention what's redeemable about Pocahontas II (it's of course no coincidence how it opens in London and moves into The New World in a similar way afterwards and ends with a last shot of a ship). The reason for discussing this sequel is  how it's been trashed at the expense to it's predecessor and how it's been labeled by many for belonging to the unnecessary sequel phase. 
Regardless of it's stamp, I personally thought this sequel was fine enough on it's own merits. While I would be lying if I said that it wasn't hampered by the same criticism that hampers most Disney cheapquels (their overalll mediocrity), at least Pocahontas II does have a couple of perk. It has a fine score, decent songs and it manages to be engaging and thrilling on it's own right. Regardless of the new romance, it was good to see the characters again in new situations. Unfortunately Disney made a habit to release some of their less acknowledged films on Blu Ray alongside with their sequels some years ago. Yet they fortunately stopped with it.

And no, I'm not Prince Hans :)
Wouldn't I love to be monogamous? :)

Either way, it`s hard to conclude this entry about Pocahontas II. Mainly because of the aforementioned hate for it. For those who wants to despise it, are completely allowed to do so. While those who wants to appreciate it, are totally allowed to do the same. Either way, I`ll stand by my aforementioned statement that Pocahontas II was far from my least favorite cheapquel. While it`s nowhere as outstanding as the original (despite how the original has been hated), it`s still a fine film on it`s own. 
And yes, this was my second attempt to discuss something that is as "cherished" as a Disney cheapquel. And it was simply far from my last case of doing so. Only time will tell if I`m going to make more entries about cheapquels. But I`m going to make more, it will be about those who are worth to ponder upon. But forgive me for writing entries about these cheapquels, guys. I simply can't help it :)

At least it's not the journey to a promised land :)

Mouse Under Glass (David Koenig)
Pocahontas CAV Deluxe Laserdisc Edition.

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