Hi folks! Welcome to my My Own Personal Nerdy Disney and Animation Scrutinizing Analysis blog. A blog where I'm analyzing several Disney films, Disney or Animation in general! These entries are just meant to be my analyses. Not reviews or statements. Just fun analyses! Though I'll make some personal remarks now and then, the content of these entries are meant to be depicted objectively. They're made for entertainment purpose only and the pictures/clips are copyright Disney or other companies.
Make sure to leave a comment if you like this site! And if there's something you think could be improved, please let me know. But in a constructive way, please. And just a note; I'm not a Native English writer, so my incorrect grammar may be notable.
And finally; If you haven't seen the films, beware of spoilers! And the funny lines aren't meant to be nothing than funny. So I hope you won't find them offensive. If so, I apologize
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Aladdin's now the Genie stuck in the lamp instead of me ;) |
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The floor is one fire instead of the roof :) |

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There's a reason why the useless ones are in minority :) |

And yes, since this entry is going to be about how Genie is perceived as synonymous with that trend, we'll have to remember that it happened way before Aladdin. It began with Pinocchio (Cliff Edwards, chosen for his lively smooth and upbeat voice) and continued with Alice in Wonderland and The Junge Book. The trend continued after Walt's death with The Great Mouse Detective and Oliver & Company. And we cannot forget that The Little Mermaid had no other than Buddy Hackett as Scuttle. Who made an inspired and believable performance. And Beauty and the Beast had at least Angela Landsbury and Jerry Orbach.

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I'm Robot-Genie for this occassion :) |
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This is my way of tempting you :) |
And then came Aladdin. Who with Robin Williams not only set the
mold for the celebrity voice casting, but also for adding pop culture References to a Disney Movie as well (which the crew praised the directors John Musker and Ron Clements for having a cunning gimmick for the adults in the audience). The directors were first afraid of much they could caricature the celebrity impersonations. Yet they were persauded of how much fun they could have with it by Genie's animator, Eric Goldberg.

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As long as you don't call me Shortie :) |
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Now we know how Devon and Cornwall feels like :) |
Robin was encouraged to ad-lib as much as he wanted to (while he recorded the part in different States) and stopped following the script after the first eight drafts (A scene he did that was originally meant to last 30 Seconds went on for 10 minutes). In fact, Williams improvised so more than expected that the crew had almost 16 hours of material! Among the improvised lines were Genie's own introduction to Aladdin in the Cave of Wonders.
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Yes, a cat can teach you to read :) |

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I hope they'll accept me with this costume :) |

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See my catch! Impressive, huh? :) |

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Yes, I'm bragging about my resume :) But hey, I can do that, since I'm a famous director :) |

Regardless of Williams not being the first major Star to grace the animated screen, he still happens to be credited for it. But the choice of Williams was essentially an inspired one, for his cartoony persona. And his performance was instantly praised by critics, declaring that stand up comedy and animation were bascially a perfect match. Overall, it's confirmed that Williams overall created 52 voices for 52 different characters. Williams recorded his voice in Skywalker Sound. He received the designs of the Genie while filming Hook and actually recorded his lines while shooting that picture.
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Aladdin doesn't live here :) Just so you know :) |
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At least it's not Toy Story :) |
Yet the whole story regarding the Robin Williams feud is quite well known. But to summarize it from the beginning: Williams (who was paid $485 for the job) declared that he didn't wanted to use his voice for commercial purposes and to sell the merchandise. He just wanted his voice to be used 25% at the marketing. For working on the property Toys at the same time and also wanting to do Genie for his children (which they loved).

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Yes, it lives up to it's title :) |

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I'm taking a cue from Karen Smith from Mean Girls :) |
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Don't worry, we'll make this journey fun... to trick you :) |
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I'm your new master now :) For a while :) |
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Since the movie is about me (Jafar), I have the biggest head :) |
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And that's of course Robin Hood :) |

unfortunately scrapped).
While I've mentioned Aladdin`s other strengths, regardless

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One small step for Aladdin and Disney :) |
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At least it`s not "to the infinty and beyond" :) |
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Green Goblin would've been so proud :) |
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Shang would`ve loved this :) |
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At least I'm not using my middle finger :) |

But this issue has somewhat of a twist. Of course Disney never truly tried to make a sidekick that was an exact copy of the Genie (because every Disney movie simply doesn't call for such a character). Yet they've still tried to include a similar sidekick. Of course Disney themselves been have denied this and rather said that they've tried to expand their horizons and not replicate the success. And while there is some truth to that, it's still inevitable to not try to follow that mold for aforementioned reasons.
Of course the wisecracking sidekick existed way before Aladdin (as Jiminy Cricket happens to be one of the most cherished ones by Disney historians). And even characters who could transform themselves. Yet Genie still was a character and a departure of his own right.
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I don't have any candy, since I'm an animal :) |

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We just had to confirm it to those who didn't understood :) |

Less praise was given to Rosie O'Donell's Terk from Tarzan. While not being meant to be an exact Genie knockoff, she's still been perceived to fit the same mold (yet a more relevant comparison would`ve been Timon from The Lion King). Even the Revival era would try to replicate that trope, with Musker and Clements latest picture, Moana. Maui has been perceived as a Genie knock off and while perhaps the studio haven't really promoted him as so, the similarities are still overt and obvious enough to proclaim him as a Genie copy. The same with Awkwafina`s Sisu from Raya and the Last Dragon.
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Thanks for letting me be taller than you for once, Genie :) |

Of course the Genie knockoff that has been most compared to the Genie is Mushu from Mulan. The comparison may be a shallow one, since how both Aladdin and Mulan originates from Oriental settings. Yet the comparison is also a quite legit one. Since Eddie Murphy (who was originally a candidate for the Genie and to star in Oliver & Company as well) is a huge name. And Mushu comes across as being more prominent than the post-Genie sidekicks. Mushu even gets more screentime and characterization than Mulan's love interest Shang (while the same criticism applies to Aladdin as well, at least Jasmine is more prominent to the story than Shang was for his story).
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The right side is the real me :) |

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This was my best bad guy-grin :) |
It would be tempting to scrutinize every Disney sidekick that`s been inspired by Genie. And while even a Disney protagonist can show spark and snark, the snarky qualities are usually credited among the sidekicks. Regardless of how the followers have managed to be different from the Genie. Even the low-key Olaf from Frozen, who`s personality-trait is mostly based on sheer naivete, has claimed by his voice actor Josh Gad to be inspired by Genie.

Yet regardless of what individual opinions there is around Genie, it would be fair to objectively say that he comes across as superior to his counterparts. Mainly because of the sheer heart which Robin brought. And frankly, that's another thing that Genie has been praised for; For being a genuniely heartfelt character and a labor of love.What`s all more remarkable is that Eric Goldberg did supervise other sidekicks afterwards. He's basically been typecast for them, which it's of course not strange at all. Since it`s something that he does well and likes to do. It would tempting to wonder if Goldberg has ever been inspired to do a sidekick that truly was similar to the Genie. As both Phil and Louis from The Princess and the Frog are different, non-transforming sidekicks and never truly outshines the Genie.

I'm trying to be Dumbo :) |
Yet Genie has been Goldberg's favorite character to animate. And has confirmed that Aladdin has been the most improvisasional animated movie that he's ever worked on. He even storyboarded Genie's outtakes-material on the Diamond Edition. While he originally wanted to do a scene where the Genie was auditioning for his role at the studio in 2003. Yet the executives rather wanted sheer outtakes.

There were several scenes which were cut with Genie (as an impersonation of George Bush). But there were certainly cuts in the climax, due to it's seriousness. The applause sign at the end of A Friend Like Me was a deliberate choice, since Jeffrey Katzenberg wanted every song number to have a applause. Alan Menken originally wanted an additional song for Genie that was called To Be Free. It would take place in the Oasis. But since Genie already had two other songs, it was cut. And believe it or not, there were originally going to be two Genies in the story; One that came from the lamp that belonged to Jafar and one that came from Aladdin's magic ring.
One struggle that the crew eventually had, was if the Genie's gags were going to be too mature for an children audience. While Disney themselves wanted to go the line, it was Katzenberg who wanted to ensure that Disney still maintained their family friendly policy. Katzenberg feared that the movie was going to turn into a Saturday Night Live skit. Which created some concerns, as one of Andreas Deja's assistants ran to him when she saw the animators impressions of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Williams's impersonation of Taxi Driver's Robert DeNiro was originally much longer, yet Martin Scorsesse loved it. Yet there were concerns about that Genie seemed too mean on that scene.

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Magnus Carlsen should've been with us :) |

Unfortunately and coincidentially, this entry was written exactly five years since Williams' unfortunate death (whom Musker and Clements were told by their editor and all the tributes to the Genie moved Eric Goldberg). Yet Williams made Genie untouchable due to all these aforementioned reasons. So when Disney announced that Aladdin would join their recent live action remake boom after Williams' demise, there were of course concerns of the new portrayal of Genie. Yet when it was announced that Will Smith would be the one who would portray him, it didn't came exactly as a surprise.

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Our surnames are more important than our first names in this poster :) |

Disney Voice Actors: A Biographical Dictionary (Thomas S. Hischak); https://books.google.no/books?id=e1RTP8thtR0C&pg=PA198&lpg=PA198&dq=why+are+animated+sidekicks+given+celebrity+voices&source=bl&ots=AS_GtwuKS-&sig=ACfU3U2Jp-4EyO56GeaUtRH6-AuZ7GSmQA&hl=no&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjTiZ3fh9biAhXmwYsKHfanDiM4ChDoATAGegQICRAB#v=onepage&q=Robin%20Williams&f=false
Pinocchio Walt Disney Masterpiece Deluxe CAV Laserdisc Edition.
Pinocchio Platinum Edition
The Jungle Book Platinum Edition
Mouse Under Glass (David Koenig).
Aladdin Platinum Edition.
Aladdin Diamond Edition.
The Making of Aladdin — A Whole New World (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wH5JaYL0Cmg)
Disney's Art of Animation: From Mickey Mouse to Hercules (Bob Thomas).
The Art of Walt Disney: From Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms and Beyond (Christopher Finch).
Robin (Dave Itzkoff): https://books.google.no/books?id=nfQ4DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA486&lpg=PA486&dq=robin+williams+ferngully+interview&source=bl&ots=HzJplq2Y1j&sig=ACfU3U2SsAxIVqTMNwqDYSoreKmgABwrRg&hl=no&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjU0OGW5OTiAhXFlYsKHUUzAZ8Q6AEwG3oECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=Aladdin&f=false
FernGully: The Last Rainforest - All-New Making-Of Featurette (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXhZgZKD-iY)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lQCPigQ1Jg&t=171s - Aladdin Movie Panel with Directors, Voice Actor, and Live-action References
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5uJ56tX6jQ - Eric Goldberg at CTN Animation Expo 2011
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bu-jCXKtJ4 - Eric Goldberg interview - Animator 2015 [KontraTV]
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1ouhsx (Nostalgia Chick's Five Top Least Awful Disney Sequels)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyiBdccfNkg&t=31s - How Aladdin Changed Animation (by Screwing Over Robin Williams)
New York Magazine: Robin Williams's Change of Life https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=axsAAAAAMBAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=no&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q=Aladdin&f=false
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7BPO-FfzgE - The creator of the Genie in Aladdin Eric Goldberg on working with Robin Williams
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_os5wePJcg8 - Animator Eric Goldberg in conversation with Wacom
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ufWTuLNo_I - Robin Williams Interview Mrs Doubtfire & Aladdin Voices To Family Life | Blast From The Past
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWTL-MYA050 - Glen Keane and Eric Goldberg pencil tests
Disney Animated Adventures September 1996
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NVLtxDorWs - NYFA Guest Speaker Series: Eric Goldberg
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qzgy9UEDlE4 Aladdin & The King of Thieves Behind the Microphone Part 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcTDmPerIwo Aladdin & The King of Thieves Behind the Microphone Part 2
Pocahontas CAV Deluxe Laserdisc Edition
The Ultimate Guide to Aladdin: Entertainment Collector's Edition